I need instructions for transferring $Found between the platform and Metamask.

  1. Please give me instructions on how to transfer $Found from MetaMask to ccFound,
  2. And then how to do it in the opposite direction, that is, from ccFound to MetaMask.
  3. I have connected the above-mentioned wallet to the platform, so it shouldn't be that difficult to do. Nevertheless, I don't want to make any mistakes during such transfers, as it could be much harder to reverse.

  1. Please give me instructions on how to transfer $Found from MetaMask to ccFound,
  2. And then how to do it in the opposite direction, that is, from ccFound to MetaMask.
  3. I have connected the above-mentioned wallet to the platform, so it shouldn't be that difficult to do. Nevertheless, I don't want to make any mistakes during such transfers, as it could be much harder to reverse.

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