
<em>ccfound </em> lonely island?

In my opinion, ccFound totally messed up, because they didn't partner with a place/places where there is ALREADY traffic.

LISTEN. I was lying down, not even thinking about anything, and this understanding appeared, not sought out at all, but with an intolerant certainty that caused a big surprise.

Just like when an unexpected phone call comes in.

So, since this thought/understanding has already revealed itself, and demands attention, rather it sneaks in without asking, like a deer to a feeding trough.
So I think, well, it makes sense. By analogy to other things.
Where else should life come from if not from life?

Either you do it artificially, by force, or naturally, easily.
Artificially by force is when you have to convince and exert effort (expensive advertising)
And naturally easily is when you don't have to convince, and people want to use it themselves, because it suits them. Instead of trying to attract people from SOMEWHERE, position yourself along their daily routes.


Some traffic must be directed here from places where traffic already exists,
you have to be where it already is.

Otherwise you create an isolated island.

This also brings to mind the example of a role model, like a father, or mentor, who already has what you want.
Just as a child's success is being with his father, or guardian - the source, inspiration, and role models.
Because the son can work in his company, beside him, benefiting from all the resources he already has.

Many children are deprived of this, and do not achieve success, because they did not have the opportunity to work in a store at a young age, work on the farm with their father, drive their father's car on dirt roads at the age of 12.

Receive support, role models, behavior and many other benefits that come from it.

It's hard to build something from scratch.
How to start without a loan, when everything around is bought on credit, causing inflated prices.
In such an environment, it's almost impossible to compete with that, and build your own, only with earned profits...

It's neither mine, nor an opinion, I write down what comes to me, it's for you rather than for me.
Where it comes from, I don't quite know, and if it's important, but when it appears, I pass it on.

In my opinion, ccFound totally messed up, because they didn't partner with a place/places where there is ALREADY traffic.

LISTEN. I was lying down, not even thinking about anything, and this understanding appeared, not sought out at all, but with an intolerant certainty that caused a big surprise.

Just like when an unexpected phone call comes in.

So, since this thought/understanding has already revealed itself, and demands attention, rather it sneaks in without asking, like a deer to a feeding trough.
So I think, well, it makes sense. By analogy to other things.
Where else should life come from if not from life?

Either you do it artificially, by force, or naturally, easily.
Artificially by force is when you have to convince and exert effort (expensive advertising)
And naturally easily is when you don't have to convince, and people want to use it themselves, because it suits them. Instead of trying to attract people from SOMEWHERE, position yourself along their daily routes.


Some traffic must be directed here from places where traffic already exists,
you have to be where it already is.

Otherwise you create an isolated island.

This also brings to mind the example of a role model, like a father, or mentor, who already has what you want.
Just as a child's success is being with his father, or guardian - the source, inspiration, and role models.
Because the son can work in his company, beside him, benefiting from all the resources he already has.

Many children are deprived of this, and do not achieve success, because they did not have the opportunity to work in a store at a young age, work on the farm with their father, drive their father's car on dirt roads at the age of 12.

Receive support, role models, behavior and many other benefits that come from it.

It's hard to build something from scratch.
How to start without a loan, when everything around is bought on credit, causing inflated prices.
In such an environment, it's almost impossible to compete with that, and build your own, only with earned profits...

It's neither mine, nor an opinion, I write down what comes to me, it's for you rather than for me.
Where it comes from, I don't quite know, and if it's important, but when it appears, I pass it on.


