
First goal achieved - 500 clicks per day from google :)

Another goal - 750 As of today, we have 104,468 pages indexed in google and a growing trend. 16,883 views per day, 552 clicks. We have exceeded the "magical" million views total from google search. Data from the last three months: Most of the clicks, 19,051, and 392,339 views are of course from Poland. France, Germany, Great Britain, and Spain are the next regions with a click rate above 1000. It is interesting that queries that are gaining popularity the fastest are in Bengali, French, and German. This is good news, as it indicates that these phrases are being searched for and clicked on in these languages. Since May 10th, we have not seen any drops in any SEO or effectiveness areas, which is the result of our continuous efforts to improve the portal in terms of SEO. P.S. The peak on the chart is from the TGE moment and is not taken into account by us.

Another goal - 750 As of today, we have 104,468 pages indexed in google and a growing trend. 16,883 views per day, 552 clicks. We have exceeded the "magical" million views total from google search. Data from the last three months: Most of the clicks, 19,051, and 392,339 views are of course from Poland. France, Germany, Great Britain, and Spain are the next regions with a click rate above 1000. It is interesting that queries that are gaining popularity the fastest are in Bengali, French, and German. This is good news, as it indicates that these phrases are being searched for and clicked on in these languages. Since May 10th, we have not seen any drops in any SEO or effectiveness areas, which is the result of our continuous efforts to improve the portal in terms of SEO. P.S. The peak on the chart is from the TGE moment and is not taken into account by us.

First goal achieved - 500 clicks per day from google :)First goal achieved - 500 clicks per day from google :)
First goal achieved - 500 clicks per day from google :)First goal achieved - 500 clicks per day from google :)

