New business model ccFOUND

The best experts think about their business prospectively

They quickly calculate that if they sell for a million, they don't want to pay 100 or 200 thousand for a tool.

Meanwhile, platforms like take huge commissions. In their case, 37% of income.

By attracting commissions (not only but also) people with a loser mentality... who can't and don't want to promote themselves.

It is demotivating to punish people for success, as the state does - taxing income with a progressive rate.

In other services, you have to pay for example 100$ monthly for each paid group. This is how works, in which a well-known marketer, Alex Hormosi, recently invested.

This discourages all those who are taking their first steps in the industry and are afraid of fixed costs. Beginner experts often work part-time and do not have capital.

On the other hand, calculate how many experts are needed to earn at least 100 million USD annually on such a platform?

It makes no sense. I understand charging $100 for a task management platform or for some artificial intelligence, because there are thousands of clients for that.

But experts are too rare a species of entrepreneur to profit from them in this way. There are simply too few of them to scale up. That's why...

We decided to change the rules of the game in the market

This is how our offer that cannot be refused was created:

We don't charge ANYTHING

We will only reimburse direct costs, so that we are not at a loss.

It's about payment processor fees of 1%. And in the future - hosting heavy video files.

These are small amounts that a trainer must cover anyway if they build their own system on their servers.

We can say with a clear conscience to content creators that the tool is basically free.

Not for 37%. Not for 8-12%.

And thanks to this, we can make money in a completely different way than all other similar platforms on the internet.

Because we also have a social medium

In such a service, we can launch an advertising system.

This is the optimal model, which also gives new experts a chance to self-promote.

For example: Facebook earns an average of $4 per active user monthly ($13 quarterly according to official reports).

Our monetization ratio may be lower. Let's take 1/10 of what Facebook makes.

With the first million users, this gives... 400 thousand USD. Monthly.

This is a good starting point to increase user base, improve monetization ratio, and build a business.

By creating a social medium, we are focused not on a million users, but on tens of millions and on developing advertising offers.

So both monetization ratio will grow, and the number of users will grow.

This is only the beginning

In a situation where we have annual user growth of several tens percent and start earning a dollar per user...

We reach eg. 10 million users and monetization of 2$...

So to earnings at the level of 20 million dollars. Monthly.

This is already 240 million USD annually.

This is what ccFound is really focused on.

In such a situation, we will become a business worth over a billion dollars.


We are creating the $FOUND token, backed by a real business.

Unlike many other tokens, which are empty speculation and the so-called "chicken game" (who sells first and runs away wins).

So it's not just a speculative token, although of course it can be played that way, but above all long-term.

And which also have additional elements that can increase investment income.

I will cover them in the next message!

PS Remember: token emission of starts on April 15th.

The best experts think about their business prospectively

They quickly calculate that if they sell for a million, they don't want to pay 100 or 200 thousand for a tool.

Meanwhile, platforms like take huge commissions. In their case, 37% of income.

By attracting commissions (not only but also) people with a loser mentality... who can't and don't want to promote themselves.

It is demotivating to punish people for success, as the state does - taxing income with a progressive rate.

In other services, you have to pay for example 100$ monthly for each paid group. This is how works, in which a well-known marketer, Alex Hormosi, recently invested.

This discourages all those who are taking their first steps in the industry and are afraid of fixed costs. Beginner experts often work part-time and do not have capital.

On the other hand, calculate how many experts are needed to earn at least 100 million USD annually on such a platform?

It makes no sense. I understand charging $100 for a task management platform or for some artificial intelligence, because there are thousands of clients for that.

But experts are too rare a species of entrepreneur to profit from them in this way. There are simply too few of them to scale up. That's why...

We decided to change the rules of the game in the market

This is how our offer that cannot be refused was created:

We don't charge ANYTHING

We will only reimburse direct costs, so that we are not at a loss.

It's about payment processor fees of 1%. And in the future - hosting heavy video files.

These are small amounts that a trainer must cover anyway if they build their own system on their servers.

We can say with a clear conscience to content creators that the tool is basically free.

Not for 37%. Not for 8-12%.

And thanks to this, we can make money in a completely different way than all other similar platforms on the internet.

Because we also have a social medium

In such a service, we can launch an advertising system.

This is the optimal model, which also gives new experts a chance to self-promote.

For example: Facebook earns an average of $4 per active user monthly ($13 quarterly according to official reports).

Our monetization ratio may be lower. Let's take 1/10 of what Facebook makes.

With the first million users, this gives... 400 thousand USD. Monthly.

This is a good starting point to increase user base, improve monetization ratio, and build a business.

By creating a social medium, we are focused not on a million users, but on tens of millions and on developing advertising offers.

So both monetization ratio will grow, and the number of users will grow.

This is only the beginning

In a situation where we have annual user growth of several tens percent and start earning a dollar per user...

We reach eg. 10 million users and monetization of 2$...

So to earnings at the level of 20 million dollars. Monthly.

This is already 240 million USD annually.

This is what ccFound is really focused on.

In such a situation, we will become a business worth over a billion dollars.


We are creating the $FOUND token, backed by a real business.

Unlike many other tokens, which are empty speculation and the so-called "chicken game" (who sells first and runs away wins).

So it's not just a speculative token, although of course it can be played that way, but above all long-term.

And which also have additional elements that can increase investment income.

I will cover them in the next message!

PS Remember: token emission of starts on April 15th.

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New business model ccFOUNDNew business model ccFOUND

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