Как навчити дітей економити та інвестувати?
Вже з самого дитинства ми намагаємося 'відкласти' гроші на мрійові цілі. Деяким це виходить краще, іншим гірше. Важливо, щоб навчатися, як правильно ставитися до грошей та як ними керувати, якомога раніше. Навчання дітей інвестуванню та накопиченню дає їм цінні фінансові навички, які є необхідними в дорослому житті. Діти, які володіють цими знаннями, часто мають більші шанси досягти своїх життєвих цілей, таких як вища освіта, подорожі або власний будинок.
Як навчити дітей економити та інвестувати? Як впровадити в них гарні практики? В що вони можуть інвестувати на початку своєї пригоди?
Поділіться у коментарях практичними завданнями, іграми, хитрощами, які ви використовуєте вдома, щоб навчити дітей обходитися з грошима.
Вже з самого дитинства ми намагаємося 'відкласти' гроші на мрійові цілі. Деяким це виходить краще, іншим гірше. Важливо, щоб навчатися, як правильно ставитися до грошей та як ними керувати, якомога раніше. Навчання дітей інвестуванню та накопиченню дає їм цінні фінансові навички, які є необхідними в дорослому житті. Діти, які володіють цими знаннями, часто мають більші шанси досягти своїх життєвих цілей, таких як вища освіта, подорожі або власний будинок.
Як навчити дітей економити та інвестувати? Як впровадити в них гарні практики? В що вони можуть інвестувати на початку своєї пригоди?
Поділіться у коментарях практичними завданнями, іграми, хитрощами, які ви використовуєте вдома, щоб навчити дітей обходитися з грошима.
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24 answers
my innovative way...
Daddy, give me money for chips.
Sort yourself out, today until 6pm I will give you in 3 installments starting with 5 zł, then after 2 hours you will get 2 zł - I will pay you the rest at 6pm... If you are greedy, you will spend 5 zł immediately and won't have any chips. After a few tries, you will understand that it's worth it. Let's agree that you get chips once a week. It's best not to give more than 10 zł to children up to 10 years old... I know that's enough for chips... but if you give a child 100 zł, they will never learn how to save!!! They will buy 3 packs of chips that they can't eat all at once... they will buy candies, sandwiches, drinks at school. - This teaches wastefulness. (It's better to buy it for them).
Daddy, give me money for chips... will you?
Alright, you have it, son. - In my opinion, this teaches wastefulness. It came easy, it went easy.
A piggy bank, yes, it can help, but it doesn't prevent spending on nonsense... it secures the money for a while, but without a specific purpose... the temptation to break the piggy bank is still strong ;)
My son has become so frugal that even when I give him 5 zł, he is reluctant to spend it and takes it to his grandma... - He claims that he is saving for vacations, so that he doesn't regret not having enough money for vacations. (Throughout the year, I buy him everything (snacks, drinks, sandwiches are homemade) there is no temptation, if he wants something... he simply informs me - can I buy him what he wants. (I buy it and he has it at school) my son is only 9 years old... but he has been taught the stage of saving since he was 5 years old.
my innovative way...
Daddy, give me money for chips.
Sort yourself out, today until 6pm I will give you in 3 installments starting with 5 zł, then after 2 hours you will get 2 zł - I will pay you the rest at 6pm... If you are greedy, you will spend 5 zł immediately and won't have any chips. After a few tries, you will understand that it's worth it. Let's agree that you get chips once a week. It's best not to give more than 10 zł to children up to 10 years old... I know that's enough for chips... but if you give a child 100 zł, they will never learn how to save!!! They will buy 3 packs of chips that they can't eat all at once... they will buy candies, sandwiches, drinks at school. - This teaches wastefulness. (It's better to buy it for them).
Daddy, give me money for chips... will you?
Alright, you have it, son. - In my opinion, this teaches wastefulness. It came easy, it went easy.
A piggy bank, yes, it can help, but it doesn't prevent spending on nonsense... it secures the money for a while, but without a specific purpose... the temptation to break the piggy bank is still strong ;)
My son has become so frugal that even when I give him 5 zł, he is reluctant to spend it and takes it to his grandma... - He claims that he is saving for vacations, so that he doesn't regret not having enough money for vacations. (Throughout the year, I buy him everything (snacks, drinks, sandwiches are homemade) there is no temptation, if he wants something... he simply informs me - can I buy him what he wants. (I buy it and he has it at school) my son is only 9 years old... but he has been taught the stage of saving since he was 5 years old.
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You should teach children about saving money from a very young age. It is known that the best results can be achieved through learning through play. With young children, you can play store using plastic coins, for example. This way, they can learn the value of money, which can be exchanged for things that the child buys during play. You can also plan shopping trips with children, collect money for a certain goal, like buying a dream toy. It is also interesting to teach through playing games like Monopoly or Eurobiznes, involving the whole family in the game, so we have a lot of fun while combining the pleasant with the useful.
You should teach children about saving money from a very young age. It is known that the best results can be achieved through learning through play. With young children, you can play store using plastic coins, for example. This way, they can learn the value of money, which can be exchanged for things that the child buys during play. You can also plan shopping trips with children, collect money for a certain goal, like buying a dream toy. It is also interesting to teach through playing games like Monopoly or Eurobiznes, involving the whole family in the game, so we have a lot of fun while combining the pleasant with the useful.
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Using a piggy bank is a convenient method.
Using a piggy bank is a convenient method.
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In Santander or Credit Agricole, there is an option that I also use. Basically, for every amount spent, you can activate the service of "saving money in a savings account through the last part of the transaction." For example, if I spend 1.10, that last part of my money is saved in the savings account. It's a very cool option, and before I knew it, I had saved up, for example, 50 PLN from these small things ;)
"In Santander or Credit Agricole, there is an option that I also use. Basically, for every amount spent, you can activate the service of "saving money in a savings account through the last part of the transaction." For example, if I spend 1.10, that last part of my money is saved in the savings account. It's a very cool option, and before I knew it, I had saved up, for example, 50 PLN from these small things ;)
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Book knowledge can be helpful. Several books have already been mentioned here - among others from: https://expertia.com.pl/ksiazki-dla-dzieci/
That's why I won't list them - you can read about them on the provided website.
Book knowledge can be helpful. Several books have already been mentioned here - among others from: https://expertia.com.pl/ksiazki-dla-dzieci/
That's why I won't list them - you can read about them on the provided website.
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I introduced a different system, if someone wants to teach a child to save, they must remember that it is still a child and has its own whims. So, you have to teach from a very young age, preferably when the child earns it themselves, for example by helping at home/garden/family. My child asked me if I could help him sell lemonade. So, I set up a table for my child in the park and he sold lemonade, he had fun doing it and many people approached. He bought what he wanted with the money and saved the rest in a piggy bank, which he will open when he's older. When he no longer played with certain toys, he went to the market and sold toys that were still in great condition but he no longer played with. Thanks to this, he was able to invest in something else, but he saved more on his own. Everything is learned from home when we set an example for our child, the child models after us and knows they can gain something from it. The most important thing is to show that they don't need everything. And we try to provide for some dreams ourselves by setting aside money separately. And all of this was instilled in the child from a young age, while spending time playing with them.
I introduced a different system, if someone wants to teach a child to save, they must remember that it is still a child and has its own whims. So, you have to teach from a very young age, preferably when the child earns it themselves, for example by helping at home/garden/family. My child asked me if I could help him sell lemonade. So, I set up a table for my child in the park and he sold lemonade, he had fun doing it and many people approached. He bought what he wanted with the money and saved the rest in a piggy bank, which he will open when he's older. When he no longer played with certain toys, he went to the market and sold toys that were still in great condition but he no longer played with. Thanks to this, he was able to invest in something else, but he saved more on his own. Everything is learned from home when we set an example for our child, the child models after us and knows they can gain something from it. The most important thing is to show that they don't need everything. And we try to provide for some dreams ourselves by setting aside money separately. And all of this was instilled in the child from a young age, while spending time playing with them.
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