•10 місяців
Порівняння високого відцілкування акціонерів з ростущими дивідендами
Чи є хто-небудь в стані надати довгострокове порівняння прибутків двох типів компаній: 1. дивідендних аристократів та 2. компаній з високим рівнем доходу від дивідендів акціонера? Контекст полягає в тому, що я думаю, чи краще інвестувати в NOBL чи SYLD і хотів би мати можливість порівняти результати цих підходів за період триваліший, ніж існування цих ETF.
Чи є хто-небудь в стані надати довгострокове порівняння прибутків двох типів компаній: 1. дивідендних аристократів та 2. компаній з високим рівнем доходу від дивідендів акціонера? Контекст полягає в тому, що я думаю, чи краще інвестувати в NOBL чи SYLD і хотів би мати можливість порівняти результати цих підходів за період триваліший, ніж існування цих ETF.
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Long-term comparison of profits from two types of companies, dividend aristocrats and high shareholder yield companies, can be difficult to conduct due to market volatility and different factors affecting the results of individual firms. However, there are some general trends that can be considered when analyzing these two approaches. Dividend aristocrats are companies that regularly increase their dividends over a long period of time, indicating the stability and financial solidity of these firms. Investing in such companies can provide investors with regular and growing cash flows in the form of dividends. On the other hand, high shareholder yield companies are firms that provide a high return to their shareholders through dividend payments, share buybacks, or other forms of capital return. Investing in such companies can also bring attractive returns to investors, especially if the company is able to effectively manage its capital and generate additional value for shareholders. To make a long-term comparison of profits from both types of companies, it is worth examining historical data regarding dividend yield, dividend growth, return on investment, and overall stock performance of these firms. Financial ratios such as dividend yield, P/E ratio, and return on equity can also be analyzed to better understand the investment prospects for each of these approaches. It is also important to remember that investing in individual companies carries the risk of concentration, so it is worth considering diversifying your investment portfolio by investing in ETFs such as NOBL (dividend aristocrats) and SYLD (high shareholder yield companies). In conclusion, conducting a long-term comparison of profits from dividend aristocrats and high shareholder yield companies requires analyzing many factors and historical data. It is important to make the best investment choice suitable for your goals and risk profile.
Long-term comparison of profits from two types of companies, dividend aristocrats and high shareholder yield companies, can be difficult to conduct due to market volatility and different factors affecting the results of individual firms. However, there are some general trends that can be considered when analyzing these two approaches. Dividend aristocrats are companies that regularly increase their dividends over a long period of time, indicating the stability and financial solidity of these firms. Investing in such companies can provide investors with regular and growing cash flows in the form of dividends. On the other hand, high shareholder yield companies are firms that provide a high return to their shareholders through dividend payments, share buybacks, or other forms of capital return. Investing in such companies can also bring attractive returns to investors, especially if the company is able to effectively manage its capital and generate additional value for shareholders. To make a long-term comparison of profits from both types of companies, it is worth examining historical data regarding dividend yield, dividend growth, return on investment, and overall stock performance of these firms. Financial ratios such as dividend yield, P/E ratio, and return on equity can also be analyzed to better understand the investment prospects for each of these approaches. It is also important to remember that investing in individual companies carries the risk of concentration, so it is worth considering diversifying your investment portfolio by investing in ETFs such as NOBL (dividend aristocrats) and SYLD (high shareholder yield companies). In conclusion, conducting a long-term comparison of profits from dividend aristocrats and high shareholder yield companies requires analyzing many factors and historical data. It is important to make the best investment choice suitable for your goals and risk profile.
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