Guld i Paris!
Äntligen har vi fått en guldmedalj på spelen. Varför är det så att ett så stort land med så stor befolkning, som anser sig vara unikt (åtminstone får jag den känslan när jag lyssnar på olika åsikter på internet) inte kan träna fler idrottare på högsta världsnivå. Är det samhällets fel? Statens? Träningssystemets? Vi har ju en hel del pengar och högkvalitativa tränare. Kan vi inte på något sätt omvandla det till fler framgångar? Jag tror att om det fanns en bättre idrottsminister som skulle tänka på en långsiktig utveckling av våra idrottare och träningssystemet skulle vi ha mycket bättre resultat på världsnivå i varje område.
Naturligtvis skulle det inte hända över en natt, men efter några år skulle man nog kunna se några betydande resultat. Små länder som Nederländerna, Ungern eller Rumänien verkar kunna vinna fler medaljer än vi. Och det beror inte på att de har mer pengar, för Rumänien och Ungern är inte direkt rikare än vi.
Är det någon som kan förklara detta för mig på något logiskt sätt?
Äntligen har vi fått en guldmedalj på spelen. Varför är det så att ett så stort land med så stor befolkning, som anser sig vara unikt (åtminstone får jag den känslan när jag lyssnar på olika åsikter på internet) inte kan träna fler idrottare på högsta världsnivå. Är det samhällets fel? Statens? Träningssystemets? Vi har ju en hel del pengar och högkvalitativa tränare. Kan vi inte på något sätt omvandla det till fler framgångar? Jag tror att om det fanns en bättre idrottsminister som skulle tänka på en långsiktig utveckling av våra idrottare och träningssystemet skulle vi ha mycket bättre resultat på världsnivå i varje område.
Naturligtvis skulle det inte hända över en natt, men efter några år skulle man nog kunna se några betydande resultat. Små länder som Nederländerna, Ungern eller Rumänien verkar kunna vinna fler medaljer än vi. Och det beror inte på att de har mer pengar, för Rumänien och Ungern är inte direkt rikare än vi.
Är det någon som kan förklara detta för mig på något logiskt sätt?
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That would probably be it because the volleyball players are also losing :/
That would probably be it because the volleyball players are also losing :/
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It seems to be slowly becoming clear why we are doing so poorly at the Olympics. It is not the fault of the lack of good athletes but of those greedy pigs of ours who sit at the trough and do nothing to develop and promote Polish sport, only caring about grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their buddies or families. This was the problem in football (and probably still is) and it looks like the same is happening in the PKOL. This is evidenced by the increasing number of posts on the internet exposing our reality.
When will there finally be people in power in Poland who are not at the trough just to stuff themselves as much as possible? I mean the authorities at all levels and dimensions, from the government to the sports ones.
I know it sounds a bit absurd, but perhaps we should start paying those at the trough better so they can afford to take their families to the Olympics at their own expense and not at the cost of our athletes. Such events should be for the athletes, and they should have as much support from the committee as possible to represent our country with dignity. Unfortunately, the officials prefer to use events like the Olympics to promote themselves abroad with their families at the taxpayers' expense. Sad and pathetic. We should have some system in the country for holding such people accountable after such catastrophic results as this year. Where is the Minister of Sport? Why is no one taking this on?
I hope that one day a party will come to power that will want to do something good for Poland and not just for themselves. For now, there seems to be only the Confederation that would give a bit of hope for such changes. However, they have too little support to achieve anything. To be honest, I am keeping my fingers crossed for them because they bring a new quality to our politics and thanks to them there is still some hope for improving this sick system that we have had for decades.
It seems to be slowly becoming clear why we are doing so poorly at the Olympics. It is not the fault of the lack of good athletes but of those greedy pigs of ours who sit at the trough and do nothing to develop and promote Polish sport, only caring about grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their buddies or families. This was the problem in football (and probably still is) and it looks like the same is happening in the PKOL. This is evidenced by the increasing number of posts on the internet exposing our reality.
When will there finally be people in power in Poland who are not at the trough just to stuff themselves as much as possible? I mean the authorities at all levels and dimensions, from the government to the sports ones.
I know it sounds a bit absurd, but perhaps we should start paying those at the trough better so they can afford to take their families to the Olympics at their own expense and not at the cost of our athletes. Such events should be for the athletes, and they should have as much support from the committee as possible to represent our country with dignity. Unfortunately, the officials prefer to use events like the Olympics to promote themselves abroad with their families at the taxpayers' expense. Sad and pathetic. We should have some system in the country for holding such people accountable after such catastrophic results as this year. Where is the Minister of Sport? Why is no one taking this on?
I hope that one day a party will come to power that will want to do something good for Poland and not just for themselves. For now, there seems to be only the Confederation that would give a bit of hope for such changes. However, they have too little support to achieve anything. To be honest, I am keeping my fingers crossed for them because they bring a new quality to our politics and thanks to them there is still some hope for improving this sick system that we have had for decades.
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