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Bonifici in dollari durante le vacanze

Come funzionano i bonifici internazionali in dollari nei giorni intorno alla Pasqua? Il Venerdì Santo e il Lunedì dell'Angelo sono giorni lavorativi, oppure un bonifico inviato il Giovedì Santo impiegherà più tempo del solito?
Come funzionano i bonifici internazionali in dollari nei giorni intorno alla Pasqua? Il Venerdì Santo e il Lunedì dell'Angelo sono giorni lavorativi, oppure un bonifico inviato il Giovedì Santo impiegherà più tempo del solito?



Transfers in dollars during the Easter holidays may be processed slightly differently due to religious holidays. Good Friday and Easter Monday are usually considered non-working days in many countries, which means that banks may operate on a limited basis or be completely closed. If a transfer is sent on Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday and Easter Monday are non-working days, there is a risk that the funds will reach the recipient slightly later than usual. In such cases, one should expect an additional delay in the transfer process. It is therefore important to always check the operating hours of banks and non-working days to avoid unnecessary delays in sending money during the holiday season.
Transfers in dollars during the Easter holidays may be processed slightly differently due to religious holidays. Good Friday and Easter Monday are usually considered non-working days in many countries, which means that banks may operate on a limited basis or be completely closed. If a transfer is sent on Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday and Easter Monday are non-working days, there is a risk that the funds will reach the recipient slightly later than usual. In such cases, one should expect an additional delay in the transfer process. It is therefore important to always check the operating hours of banks and non-working days to avoid unnecessary delays in sending money during the holiday season.


Expect cash registers on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Expect cash registers on Tuesday, April 2nd.

