Tree of knowledge in ccfound?

Good morning, The owner is complaining that we are not using his platform and he is angry at us. Meanwhile, how are we supposed to use it if it only finds nonsense when we try to search? Look at the image: Do you want to do something cool? How about categorizing knowledge? Maybe you could create a tree of domains, and then we could search by expanding the tree according to the domains. Because sometimes it's hard to grasp a specific topic, but by going down the branches of life, all the way to the details, it will be easy to find knowledge from a particular area of interest! The advantage of this is that it will be like a map right away, showing related knowledge next to what we are searching for. Some topics will appear in different branches simultaneously. If you also present it in a neat minimalist graphic, for example, on a white background, and make it responsive, it could be a cool innovation that doesn't exist on the internet yet! Who's in favor?

Good morning, The owner is complaining that we are not using his platform and he is angry at us. Meanwhile, how are we supposed to use it if it only finds nonsense when we try to search? Look at the image: Do you want to do something cool? How about categorizing knowledge? Maybe you could create a tree of domains, and then we could search by expanding the tree according to the domains. Because sometimes it's hard to grasp a specific topic, but by going down the branches of life, all the way to the details, it will be easy to find knowledge from a particular area of interest! The advantage of this is that it will be like a map right away, showing related knowledge next to what we are searching for. Some topics will appear in different branches simultaneously. If you also present it in a neat minimalist graphic, for example, on a white background, and make it responsive, it could be a cool innovation that doesn't exist on the internet yet! Who's in favor?

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Tree of knowledge in ccfound?Tree of knowledge in ccfound?


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