What methods do you use to organize your work time?

"I have a problem when there are so many tasks even though they are planned out, that I don't know where to start. It's even worse when something extra comes up that needs to be done immediately. I've tried prioritizing tasks, but it doesn't always work for me, especially when something new comes up. What methods do you know for task organization? I have already used the Pomodoro method and the Eisenhower Matrix. Maybe you can recommend something else? What works for you? Maybe some of you have a similar situation like mine, where despite having plans, something new can pop up and completely disrupt the rhythm?"

"I have a problem when there are so many tasks even though they are planned out, that I don't know where to start. It's even worse when something extra comes up that needs to be done immediately. I've tried prioritizing tasks, but it doesn't always work for me, especially when something new comes up. What methods do you know for task organization? I have already used the Pomodoro method and the Eisenhower Matrix. Maybe you can recommend something else? What works for you? Maybe some of you have a similar situation like mine, where despite having plans, something new can pop up and completely disrupt the rhythm?"

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What methods do you use to organize your work time?What methods do you use to organize your work time?

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