Is it worth celebrating small victories?

Is it worth celebrating small victories? We must ensure that progress is visible even when positive results aren't. Trading is not an easy way to make money. There is a lot to learn and even more Market Traders who want to take our money. What is very important is patience (Rome wasn't built in a day, Warren Buffet didn't build his fortune in a week), discipline (If we have a bad day, let's focus on learning, better days will come), and celebrating small victories (We see progress through small victories, we see what works and repeat it). This is just my opinion based on my experiences. What would you add?

Is it worth celebrating small victories? We must ensure that progress is visible even when positive results aren't. Trading is not an easy way to make money. There is a lot to learn and even more Market Traders who want to take our money. What is very important is patience (Rome wasn't built in a day, Warren Buffet didn't build his fortune in a week), discipline (If we have a bad day, let's focus on learning, better days will come), and celebrating small victories (We see progress through small victories, we see what works and repeat it). This is just my opinion based on my experiences. What would you add?

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Is it worth celebrating small victories?Is it worth celebrating small victories?
Is it worth celebrating small victories?Is it worth celebrating small victories?

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