Does the stomach have the ability to contract?

Often during dieting and reducing the amount of food intake, we use the term "our stomach has shrunk". This makes us feel full faster and makes it easier to feel overfull. It is known that it is possible to reduce the size of the stomach through bariatric surgery. However, this is a significant burden on the body and is intended for people with obesity problems. So, can the stomach shrink naturally or only through surgery? What does it involve and what does it depend on? Is it healthy for the body?
Often during dieting and reducing the amount of food intake, we use the term "our stomach has shrunk". This makes us feel full faster and makes it easier to feel overfull. It is known that it is possible to reduce the size of the stomach through bariatric surgery. However, this is a significant burden on the body and is intended for people with obesity problems. So, can the stomach shrink naturally or only through surgery? What does it involve and what does it depend on? Is it healthy for the body?
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Does the stomach have the ability to contract?Does the stomach have the ability to contract?

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