What is happening with the CoinCasso stock exchange?

Question for Mr. Michalak, is there really no one on the entire ccFound platform who could answer the question about the CoinCasso exchange? 11 days ago I asked a question about contacting the CoinCasso exchange. Only a bot replied to me, what about the community? Silence in the airwaves. Supposedly there are plenty of smart people on ccFound, but no answers. I care about this because I have invested some money there and I am looking for a way to recover anything. As a member of the ccFound community, I count on support, on help.

@Support_ccFOUND @Karol__Kieltyka

Question for Mr. Michalak, is there really no one on the entire ccFound platform who could answer the question about the CoinCasso exchange? 11 days ago I asked a question about contacting the CoinCasso exchange. Only a bot replied to me, what about the community? Silence in the airwaves. Supposedly there are plenty of smart people on ccFound, but no answers. I care about this because I have invested some money there and I am looking for a way to recover anything. As a member of the ccFound community, I count on support, on help.

@Support_ccFOUND @Karol__Kieltyka

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