And if you were yourself from a year ago and met your current self - what would you say to them?

Reversal of the previous question. Now you are yourself from a year ago (or maybe three years ago? five years ago?) and you meet your current self. Perhaps back then, certain values had a special significance for you, which you now forget? Would your former self be satisfied with your current self? If you have doubts about this, it's high time to start taking action! Moreover, I have something that may help you with that.

Reversal of the previous question. Now you are yourself from a year ago (or maybe three years ago? five years ago?) and you meet your current self. Perhaps back then, certain values had a special significance for you, which you now forget? Would your former self be satisfied with your current self? If you have doubts about this, it's high time to start taking action! Moreover, I have something that may help you with that.

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