WhyRaw Foodism?
Raw foodism is my lifestyle, which has been known for thousands of years. It involves living in harmony and accordance with nature. Raw foodists do not eat animals and respect their world. They consume only raw fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts, and cold-pressed oils.
Why did we decide on raw foodism?
High temperatures kill the enzymes and minerals contained in plants. Enzymes are elements that are responsible for long life in health and full efficiency. They allow for the processing of consumed food without using our energy and without (or in very small amounts) our natural enzymes. Consuming natural enzymes can lead to diseases and other unpleasant consequences. It's like we are depleting our reserves and not replenishing them!
Cooking above 48 degrees Celsius causes proteins to coagulate and food to die. Amino acids bind with enzyme-resistant bonds that prevent their complete breakdown. Such protein is useless to the body and can sometimes even be toxic!
Raw fruits and vegetables provide the body with vitamins. Natural vitamins contain antioxidants that allow for the removal of dead cells and metabolic waste from the body, thus cleansing the body and adding energy and vitality!
The cell of the human body can only absorb what is natural. Therefore, everything that is important for the body can only be supplied from raw fruits and vegetables, as synthetic ingredients in the form of pills or supplements simply will not be absorbed and will be excreted.
Therefore, we need to stop killing our foods at temperatures at which they cannot survive, so that they can become our medicine.
So remember: live food = live body. It is only up to you what you feed yourself!
WhyRaw Foodism?
Raw foodism is my lifestyle, which has been known for thousands of years. It involves living in harmony and accordance with nature. Raw foodists do not eat animals and respect their world. They consume only raw fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts, and cold-pressed oils.
Why did we decide on raw foodism?
High temperatures kill the enzymes and minerals contained in plants. Enzymes are elements that are responsible for long life in health and full efficiency. They allow for the processing of consumed food without using our energy and without (or in very small amounts) our natural enzymes. Consuming natural enzymes can lead to diseases and other unpleasant consequences. It's like we are depleting our reserves and not replenishing them!
Cooking above 48 degrees Celsius causes proteins to coagulate and food to die. Amino acids bind with enzyme-resistant bonds that prevent their complete breakdown. Such protein is useless to the body and can sometimes even be toxic!
Raw fruits and vegetables provide the body with vitamins. Natural vitamins contain antioxidants that allow for the removal of dead cells and metabolic waste from the body, thus cleansing the body and adding energy and vitality!
The cell of the human body can only absorb what is natural. Therefore, everything that is important for the body can only be supplied from raw fruits and vegetables, as synthetic ingredients in the form of pills or supplements simply will not be absorbed and will be excreted.
Therefore, we need to stop killing our foods at temperatures at which they cannot survive, so that they can become our medicine.
So remember: live food = live body. It is only up to you what you feed yourself!
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