How do you feel in the new era of deepfakes?

Krzysztof Stanowski fell victim to the so-called spoofing (impersonation):

“Someone impersonated him, called the police, and ‘confessed’ to dismembering his wife. Then his wife received a call about the alleged death of their children, followed by the fire department coming to a fire that did not happen”

Internet users, in connection with the announcement of Sorry - AI for generating movies, expressed fear of a dystopian vision of watching fabricated evidence of committing crimes in court.

YouTube and TikTok have already introduced the label “Generated by AI”.

Do you think we are entering the world of disinformation?

An interview with our editor-in-chief and cybersecurity expert - Piotr Łuczuk - can be found here:,historia-krzysztofa-stanowskiego-to-grozne-ostrzezenie-kazdy-z-nas-moze-byc-ofiara-wywiad

Krzysztof Stanowski fell victim to the so-called spoofing (impersonation):

“Someone impersonated him, called the police, and ‘confessed’ to dismembering his wife. Then his wife received a call about the alleged death of their children, followed by the fire department coming to a fire that did not happen”

Internet users, in connection with the announcement of Sorry - AI for generating movies, expressed fear of a dystopian vision of watching fabricated evidence of committing crimes in court.

YouTube and TikTok have already introduced the label “Generated by AI”.

Do you think we are entering the world of disinformation?

An interview with our editor-in-chief and cybersecurity expert - Piotr Łuczuk - can be found here:,historia-krzysztofa-stanowskiego-to-grozne-ostrzezenie-kazdy-z-nas-moze-byc-ofiara-wywiad

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