A few words about Excel at the beginning

Excel History: Excel was introduced by Microsoft in 1985 as a response to the popular Lotus 1-2-3 program. It is one of the oldest computer programs that is still intensively developed and used.

Excel not just for calculations: Although Excel is primarily known as a tool for calculations and data analysis, it can also be used to create games, such as sudoku or tetris, thanks to the flexibility of its functions and the possibility of macros.

First BI tool: Excel was one of the first tools that allowed an average user to perform advanced business analysis without the need for specialized software, thanks to features such as PivotTables introduced in 1993.

Maximum limits: The latest versions of Excel can handle sheets with up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, totaling over 17 billion possible cells in one sheet.

Excel in education: Excel is often used in scientific research for data analysis, preparing scientific charts, and even for statistical modeling, making it an invaluable tool in various academic fields.

Importance in business: For many companies, Excel is an essential tool for daily management, planning, and forecasting. Many business decisions are based on analyses conducted using Excel.

And what would you like to learn from Excel??

Excel History: Excel was introduced by Microsoft in 1985 as a response to the popular Lotus 1-2-3 program. It is one of the oldest computer programs that is still intensively developed and used.

Excel not just for calculations: Although Excel is primarily known as a tool for calculations and data analysis, it can also be used to create games, such as sudoku or tetris, thanks to the flexibility of its functions and the possibility of macros.

First BI tool: Excel was one of the first tools that allowed an average user to perform advanced business analysis without the need for specialized software, thanks to features such as PivotTables introduced in 1993.

Maximum limits: The latest versions of Excel can handle sheets with up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, totaling over 17 billion possible cells in one sheet.

Excel in education: Excel is often used in scientific research for data analysis, preparing scientific charts, and even for statistical modeling, making it an invaluable tool in various academic fields.

Importance in business: For many companies, Excel is an essential tool for daily management, planning, and forecasting. Many business decisions are based on analyses conducted using Excel.

And what would you like to learn from Excel??

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