3 months

You become very dangerous when you learn to control your feelings!

💯Have a daughter she learned how to control her feelings, you will wake her up she won't wake up, you shake her she moves the whole body, but she won't open eyes and mouth, you will lift her up she will become heavy, but she doesn't wake up, the point is that she doesn't want to wake up. Eventually she will wake but won't want to wash or do anything, she will keep standing or seated on the floor

💯Have a daughter she learned how to control her feelings, you will wake her up she won't wake up, you shake her she moves the whole body, but she won't open eyes and mouth, you will lift her up she will become heavy, but she doesn't wake up, the point is that she doesn't want to wake up. Eventually she will wake but won't want to wash or do anything, she will keep standing or seated on the floor

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