Is Jacek Walkiewicz known to you?

Motivational speech is extremely important in these times. We often chase after something and sometimes we lack the strength, not only physical but also mental. In my opinion, a great person is Jacek Walkiewicz - a Polish psychologist, motivational and inspirational speaker, trainer and mentor, as well as the author of many books.

Is this person familiar to you? If not, I recommend his lecture "Full power of possibilities": Jacek Walkiewicz at TEDxWSB

YouTube link:

Motivational speech is extremely important in these times. We often chase after something and sometimes we lack the strength, not only physical but also mental. In my opinion, a great person is Jacek Walkiewicz - a Polish psychologist, motivational and inspirational speaker, trainer and mentor, as well as the author of many books.

Is this person familiar to you? If not, I recommend his lecture "Full power of possibilities": Jacek Walkiewicz at TEDxWSB

YouTube link:

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