
What would be more beneficial: a system that organizes information, or a user who is forced to publish information in a prominent place?

Shouldn't it be the case on the Internet that an active user who adds content in their favorite topic - creates it in one place and then the system places it in different services so that it is available to others? Or... those who are looking for specific information immediately land where the information is best described and thematically aggregated? ...apparently Google takes care of this, but in reality it is far from perfect, it's not even good.

Shouldn't it be the case on the Internet that an active user who adds content in their favorite topic - creates it in one place and then the system places it in different services so that it is available to others? Or... those who are looking for specific information immediately land where the information is best described and thematically aggregated? ...apparently Google takes care of this, but in reality it is far from perfect, it's not even good.


