
Beliefs and relationships helpful in money management: Unique comparator.

As humans, we have a tendency to compare. Often, this comparison is made to people who are in completely different situations than ours, for example, they may have different health conditions, live in a different country, have a different family, or even problems that we are not aware of. Through this comparison, the feeling of envy arises within us when someone has it better than us. Often, we feel unfairly treated, but in reality, we do not have a complete picture of the person's life situation that we are comparing ourselves to. Therefore, we should look at our own possibilities and adjust our aspirations and goals accordingly.

As humans, we have a tendency to compare. Often, this comparison is made to people who are in completely different situations than ours, for example, they may have different health conditions, live in a different country, have a different family, or even problems that we are not aware of. Through this comparison, the feeling of envy arises within us when someone has it better than us. Often, we feel unfairly treated, but in reality, we do not have a complete picture of the person's life situation that we are comparing ourselves to. Therefore, we should look at our own possibilities and adjust our aspirations and goals accordingly.

Beliefs and relationships helpful in money management: Unique comparator.Beliefs and relationships helpful in money management: Unique comparator.

