Does your knee hurt?

Here's why it happens and how to easily deal with it. In most cases, the cause of the pain is not a problem with the knee! The problem usually lies higher, in your thigh muscles. Therefore, if your knee hurts, before you start panicking and making an appointment with an orthopedist, do this: RELAX the muscles in the front part of your thigh. How? - Use a roller/massage gun/hard massage ball. - Stretch the front part of your thigh. - Or simply go to a trainer/physio who will do it for you. - Thank me later :) Of course, there are cases where there are strictly knee joint problems, and that's a completely different matter. However, in most cases when I hear the words "my knee hurts," that's how I dealt with it on the training floor. Then we know that it wasn't the knee itself that was the problem, but rather tight tissues. Have you ever had knee pain? How did you deal with it?

Here's why it happens and how to easily deal with it. In most cases, the cause of the pain is not a problem with the knee! The problem usually lies higher, in your thigh muscles. Therefore, if your knee hurts, before you start panicking and making an appointment with an orthopedist, do this: RELAX the muscles in the front part of your thigh. How? - Use a roller/massage gun/hard massage ball. - Stretch the front part of your thigh. - Or simply go to a trainer/physio who will do it for you. - Thank me later :) Of course, there are cases where there are strictly knee joint problems, and that's a completely different matter. However, in most cases when I hear the words "my knee hurts," that's how I dealt with it on the training floor. Then we know that it wasn't the knee itself that was the problem, but rather tight tissues. Have you ever had knee pain? How did you deal with it?

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Does your knee hurt?Does your knee hurt?

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