Ten artykuł przedstawia dziesięć narzędzi, których media i politycy używają do manipulacji nami, zgodnie z Noamem Chomskym.

Media demonstrate significant effectiveness in shaping public opinion. Through these propaganda tools, media are able to influence the destruction of social movements, provoke or justify armed conflicts, mitigate societal anger during financial crises, and stimulate the emergence of new ideological trends. Media subject us to processes of manipulation. List of ten manipulation tools: 1. Divert attention. 2. Create problems and then propose solutions. 3. Gradually escalate changes (boiling the frog). 4. Delay changes. 5. Speak to society as if speaking to a small child or mentally ill person. 6. Focus on emotions rather than reflection. 7. Keep society in ignorance, mediocrity, and stupidity. 8. Reinforce society's belief that it is good to be average. 9. Transform rebellion into guilt. 10. Know people better than they know themselves (media, politicians, etc., know you better than you know yourself).

Media demonstrate significant effectiveness in shaping public opinion. Through these propaganda tools, media are able to influence the destruction of social movements, provoke or justify armed conflicts, mitigate societal anger during financial crises, and stimulate the emergence of new ideological trends. Media subject us to processes of manipulation. List of ten manipulation tools: 1. Divert attention. 2. Create problems and then propose solutions. 3. Gradually escalate changes (boiling the frog). 4. Delay changes. 5. Speak to society as if speaking to a small child or mentally ill person. 6. Focus on emotions rather than reflection. 7. Keep society in ignorance, mediocrity, and stupidity. 8. Reinforce society's belief that it is good to be average. 9. Transform rebellion into guilt. 10. Know people better than they know themselves (media, politicians, etc., know you better than you know yourself).

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