
Virus that consumes humanity...

"I will write you a few words about what I notice in the world today and what are the reasons for it. Nowadays, people are being destroyed from within by a disease called general dishonesty, it may sound trivial, but it is a serious problem that affects almost every aspect of life. For me, truth and honesty have been my priorities for many years. What does it give me? Good mental well-being, healthy sleep, easy falling asleep, peace of mind, incomparable with anything else. I did not choose these values only or primarily for this reason. It happened because I decided that I would not do to others what I would not want them to do to me, regardless of how someone behaves towards me, it is the free choice of each of us. We can really do whatever we want, but I know that not everything brings benefit and overindulging or overeating is not good, and I don't just mean food. You can overindulge in everything, alcohol, sex, shopping, playing games or gambling, etc. However, it is very unhealthy and brings negative consequences. Moderation is the key word and maintaining it gives you health. Going back to the topic of honesty, I don't want it any other way, I look at myself in the mirror without fear and listen to my conscience. I am not perfect, I make mistakes like everyone else, but I know that not everything is allowed to me, for a simple reason: it is bad and unhealthy for me. I would have nothing if not for God, the Bible contains more wealth, wisdom, and remedies for diseases and problems than any other books. A simple quote from the Letter to the Corinthians: 'Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything.' Just this one sentence is incredible wisdom wrapped in simple words that will reach everyone. The virus that is devouring many people today is lies and falsehood, dishonesty. By the way, the father of lies is Satan and unfortunately, he plays into it. Every day, I encounter news of how people are often deceived, even in so-called white gloves. People are robbed of their possessions because fraudsters break into their accounts, take out loans, a granddaughter takes dozens of loans on her own grandmother... Furthermore, lies come very easily to people today and they do not consider it wrong to sometimes deceive. Tax frauds, being robbed by banks, riding without a ticket, politicians' lies, television, which increasingly rarely tells the truth, manipulating the nation through brainwashing media, buying documents, diplomas, etc., saying 'I love you' just to spend a night with someone, slandering others, colorizing one's own words, faking at work, going on sick leave not because of illness – the list could go on. Does it sound familiar? All this and much more is simply lying and for me, there is no scale of worse or better, permissible or not. I decided to be honest for myself and for others. I rarely have trouble falling asleep, I laugh a lot and enjoy life, my mind and soul are healthy. And this also affects my physical well-being, that's just how it is and not everyone knows it or simply rejects it. There is no magic in life and it is not complicated if we don't complicate it for ourselves. Simplicity, but not vulgarity. We all truly have free choice, and it is given to us by the Lord God Himself, who imposes nothing and does not punish us for our sins. We ourselves cause problems by doing wrong because no one forces us to do it. God loves us madly, to death, and to help us, He went to the Cross and experienced what every human being experiences, but beyond that, He took upon Himself all our sins and illnesses, suffered immensely, however, He rebelled only once on the Cross: 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' He never abandons us, even though it may seem so, God allows all random, unpleasant events to give us a chance for change. I don't know why they happen and have happened in my life, and at times it was terribly difficult, but I know they are necessary because God purifies me as gold is purified in fire. Warm greetings and congratulations if you have reached the end. These are not my words, He teaches and enriches me every day and loves you like crazy. This is written by me, Dorota M., on the day of elections, October 15, 2023, at 4:45 am. 🤟"

"I will write you a few words about what I notice in the world today and what are the reasons for it. Nowadays, people are being destroyed from within by a disease called general dishonesty, it may sound trivial, but it is a serious problem that affects almost every aspect of life. For me, truth and honesty have been my priorities for many years. What does it give me? Good mental well-being, healthy sleep, easy falling asleep, peace of mind, incomparable with anything else. I did not choose these values only or primarily for this reason. It happened because I decided that I would not do to others what I would not want them to do to me, regardless of how someone behaves towards me, it is the free choice of each of us. We can really do whatever we want, but I know that not everything brings benefit and overindulging or overeating is not good, and I don't just mean food. You can overindulge in everything, alcohol, sex, shopping, playing games or gambling, etc. However, it is very unhealthy and brings negative consequences. Moderation is the key word and maintaining it gives you health. Going back to the topic of honesty, I don't want it any other way, I look at myself in the mirror without fear and listen to my conscience. I am not perfect, I make mistakes like everyone else, but I know that not everything is allowed to me, for a simple reason: it is bad and unhealthy for me. I would have nothing if not for God, the Bible contains more wealth, wisdom, and remedies for diseases and problems than any other books. A simple quote from the Letter to the Corinthians: 'Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything.' Just this one sentence is incredible wisdom wrapped in simple words that will reach everyone. The virus that is devouring many people today is lies and falsehood, dishonesty. By the way, the father of lies is Satan and unfortunately, he plays into it. Every day, I encounter news of how people are often deceived, even in so-called white gloves. People are robbed of their possessions because fraudsters break into their accounts, take out loans, a granddaughter takes dozens of loans on her own grandmother... Furthermore, lies come very easily to people today and they do not consider it wrong to sometimes deceive. Tax frauds, being robbed by banks, riding without a ticket, politicians' lies, television, which increasingly rarely tells the truth, manipulating the nation through brainwashing media, buying documents, diplomas, etc., saying 'I love you' just to spend a night with someone, slandering others, colorizing one's own words, faking at work, going on sick leave not because of illness – the list could go on. Does it sound familiar? All this and much more is simply lying and for me, there is no scale of worse or better, permissible or not. I decided to be honest for myself and for others. I rarely have trouble falling asleep, I laugh a lot and enjoy life, my mind and soul are healthy. And this also affects my physical well-being, that's just how it is and not everyone knows it or simply rejects it. There is no magic in life and it is not complicated if we don't complicate it for ourselves. Simplicity, but not vulgarity. We all truly have free choice, and it is given to us by the Lord God Himself, who imposes nothing and does not punish us for our sins. We ourselves cause problems by doing wrong because no one forces us to do it. God loves us madly, to death, and to help us, He went to the Cross and experienced what every human being experiences, but beyond that, He took upon Himself all our sins and illnesses, suffered immensely, however, He rebelled only once on the Cross: 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' He never abandons us, even though it may seem so, God allows all random, unpleasant events to give us a chance for change. I don't know why they happen and have happened in my life, and at times it was terribly difficult, but I know they are necessary because God purifies me as gold is purified in fire. Warm greetings and congratulations if you have reached the end. These are not my words, He teaches and enriches me every day and loves you like crazy. This is written by me, Dorota M., on the day of elections, October 15, 2023, at 4:45 am. 🤟"


