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80th anniversary of the Volhynian Massacre.



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80th anniversary of the Volhynian Massacre.80th anniversary of the Volhynian Massacre.

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1 answer


Do you use any complex paid tools to create such infographics? Or is it possible to do it in a simple way? I was thinking of using a similar format for short training ebooks, something like "cheat sheets" that can be printed and placed on the fridge for daily visual reinforcement, which helps in consistent implementation of the investment strategy outlined in this way. A visual graphic explanation resonates much more effectively with many visual learners than a plain textual message. Maybe some cooperation in the future?

Do you use any complex paid tools to create such infographics? Or is it possible to do it in a simple way? I was thinking of using a similar format for short training ebooks, something like "cheat sheets" that can be printed and placed on the fridge for daily visual reinforcement, which helps in consistent implementation of the investment strategy outlined in this way. A visual graphic explanation resonates much more effectively with many visual learners than a plain textual message. Maybe some cooperation in the future?

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