The creator of intelligent vending machines - Popcom collected 1.3 million dollars

Popcom has raised millions of dollars to supply more of its vending machines as the demand for more non-contact solutions grows.

Popcom, led by Dawn Dickson and one of the few Black block companies, raised $ 1.3 million in the latest round of funding, according to Black Enterprise. So far, the company has raised a total of $ 2.3 million, with most of the investments being made using height-adjustable security CF tokens.

The company intends to expand its business, build its team and produce more vending machines. Popcom offers contactless vending machines that track transactions by creating live sales and product reports. Their vending machines are distributed to retail sectors such as pharmaceutical, alcohol, tobacco and hemp.

Popcom has raised millions of dollars to supply more of its vending machines as the demand for more non-contact solutions grows.

Popcom, led by Dawn Dickson and one of the few Black block companies, raised $ 1.3 million in the latest round of funding, according to Black Enterprise. So far, the company has raised a total of $ 2.3 million, with most of the investments being made using height-adjustable security CF tokens.

The company intends to expand its business, build its team and produce more vending machines. Popcom offers contactless vending machines that track transactions by creating live sales and product reports. Their vending machines are distributed to retail sectors such as pharmaceutical, alcohol, tobacco and hemp.

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