Manipulation of Big Players

Over the past few weeks, we have been receiving negative information about ETH, that the ETF application will be rejected, etc. There haven't been so many negative comments towards Ethereum in a long time, causing a lot of people to sell off all their ETH. However, yesterday in just 3 hours, we made a 16.23% gain. This is a lesson for the future not to let ourselves be manipulated and not allow anyone to play on our emotions, we must firmly stick to our own assumptions and plans :)) Crypto is brutal.

Over the past few weeks, we have been receiving negative information about ETH, that the ETF application will be rejected, etc. There haven't been so many negative comments towards Ethereum in a long time, causing a lot of people to sell off all their ETH. However, yesterday in just 3 hours, we made a 16.23% gain. This is a lesson for the future not to let ourselves be manipulated and not allow anyone to play on our emotions, we must firmly stick to our own assumptions and plans :)) Crypto is brutal.

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Manipulation of Big PlayersManipulation of Big Players

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