OUTSIDE THE RESET - Not in the Distant Future...

Animated 3D short film about a not-too-distant, dystopian future. It speculates about the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, awakened culture, and green program.

All that is planned for us by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

If you CANNOT imagine what the Globalists are preparing for us, this film will show it...

Readers' Comments:

"Truly terrifying that you can show this film to anyone, and 90% won't get it."

"Imagine all those people who would rather live like this, instead of fighting for the truth now."

"I still wonder about people who think this may not happen."

"To those who did not comply with the 'reset', thank you and we continue the fight... for us and future generations."

"Well, great film! BRAVO, they deserve an Oscar."

source: rumble.com/c/AndyChoinski

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Animated 3D short film about a not-too-distant, dystopian future. It speculates about the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, awakened culture, and green program.

All that is planned for us by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

If you CANNOT imagine what the Globalists are preparing for us, this film will show it...

Readers' Comments:

"Truly terrifying that you can show this film to anyone, and 90% won't get it."

"Imagine all those people who would rather live like this, instead of fighting for the truth now."

"I still wonder about people who think this may not happen."

"To those who did not comply with the 'reset', thank you and we continue the fight... for us and future generations."

"Well, great film! BRAVO, they deserve an Oscar."

source: rumble.com/c/AndyChoinski

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OUTSIDE THE RESET - Not in the Distant Future...OUTSIDE THE RESET - Not in the Distant Future...

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