28th April 2024

World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Accidents at Work

Today we commemorate a day when we pause for a moment to remember those who went to work and... unfortunately did not return. The holiday is intended to remind us all that while bureaucracy can be deadly, there are professions where the risk is literally deadly.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Today we celebrate a holiday that reminds us that a helmet at a construction site is not just a stylish accessory, but a necessity, and caution is more important than haste. The International Labour Organization says "stop" to dangerous accidents at work, because it is better to prevent than to cure, both in the factory and in the office.

Camembert Cheese Day

Camembert - the star of French cheese dairies and the undisputed hero of any cheese platter. Today is the day to honor this aristocrat among cheeses. Perfect for spreading, melting, and consuming in quantities that may cause concern for a dietitian.

International Search and Rescue Dog Day

Hurrah for search and rescue dogs! Today we celebrate these four-legged, vibrating noses that can find a lost tourist better than GPS. A day when people in baseball caps can give their four-legged heroes an extra treat for their superhero activities.

World Pinhole Photography Day

For all those who like to take photos without using advanced technology - today we celebrate photographs taken through a keyhole. World Pinhole Photography Day is a holiday for those who love black boxes, sticky tape, and photos that require more time to develop than modern gossip.

World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Accidents at Work

Today we commemorate a day when we pause for a moment to remember those who went to work and... unfortunately did not return. The holiday is intended to remind us all that while bureaucracy can be deadly, there are professions where the risk is literally deadly.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Today we celebrate a holiday that reminds us that a helmet at a construction site is not just a stylish accessory, but a necessity, and caution is more important than haste. The International Labour Organization says "stop" to dangerous accidents at work, because it is better to prevent than to cure, both in the factory and in the office.

Camembert Cheese Day

Camembert - the star of French cheese dairies and the undisputed hero of any cheese platter. Today is the day to honor this aristocrat among cheeses. Perfect for spreading, melting, and consuming in quantities that may cause concern for a dietitian.

International Search and Rescue Dog Day

Hurrah for search and rescue dogs! Today we celebrate these four-legged, vibrating noses that can find a lost tourist better than GPS. A day when people in baseball caps can give their four-legged heroes an extra treat for their superhero activities.

World Pinhole Photography Day

For all those who like to take photos without using advanced technology - today we celebrate photographs taken through a keyhole. World Pinhole Photography Day is a holiday for those who love black boxes, sticky tape, and photos that require more time to develop than modern gossip.

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