April 26, 2024

What awaits us that day:

World Intellectual Property Day

  • Observed annually in memory of the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization, this day is an opportunity to explore and celebrate the creativity and innovation that shape our world. Participants can discover the fascinating world of patents, trademarks, and copyrights through interactive workshops, expert lectures, and inspiring competitions that highlight the importance of these tools in everyday life.

Road Worker and Transportation Worker Day

  • Every April 26th, we celebrate the achievements and hard work of those who take care of our roads and means of transportation. It is the perfect moment to thank these extraordinary everyday heroes. Special events, road and transportation equipment demonstrations, and seminars are organized to raise awareness of the importance of well-managed and safe roads and transportation systems.

International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day

  • On the anniversary of one of the greatest nuclear disasters, April 26th, we stand in reflection, paying tribute to the victims and reminding the world of the consequences of technological neglect. This day is marked by international ceremonies, educational exhibitions, documentary film screenings, and special scientific sessions aimed at increasing awareness of nuclear and environmental safety.

What awaits us that day:

World Intellectual Property Day

  • Observed annually in memory of the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization, this day is an opportunity to explore and celebrate the creativity and innovation that shape our world. Participants can discover the fascinating world of patents, trademarks, and copyrights through interactive workshops, expert lectures, and inspiring competitions that highlight the importance of these tools in everyday life.

Road Worker and Transportation Worker Day

  • Every April 26th, we celebrate the achievements and hard work of those who take care of our roads and means of transportation. It is the perfect moment to thank these extraordinary everyday heroes. Special events, road and transportation equipment demonstrations, and seminars are organized to raise awareness of the importance of well-managed and safe roads and transportation systems.

International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day

  • On the anniversary of one of the greatest nuclear disasters, April 26th, we stand in reflection, paying tribute to the victims and reminding the world of the consequences of technological neglect. This day is marked by international ceremonies, educational exhibitions, documentary film screenings, and special scientific sessions aimed at increasing awareness of nuclear and environmental safety.

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