
Agenda 2030 - 17 goals, or what the Globalists and Financers are planning.

Agenda 2030 was announced at the UN summit in New York in 2015. It is a global treaty concerning our future, to which governments of countries are to submit. This agenda includes 17 sustainable development goals, which only at first glance seem good. If we take a closer look, the idea of the same players who actually only want full control over the Earth's resources, one centralized world government, and thus the enslavement of all people, keeps coming back. We could laugh at these goals, at these globalists, at these billionaires. But we are not laughing, because governments are implementing these elements. In Poland, I recommend taking a closer look at Warsaw or the city of Krakow. I invite you to the movie - "Agenda 2030 - 17 goals, or what do Globalists and Financiers plan": [link provided] ... I invite you to watch our other films: [link provided]

Agenda 2030 was announced at the UN summit in New York in 2015. It is a global treaty concerning our future, to which governments of countries are to submit. This agenda includes 17 sustainable development goals, which only at first glance seem good. If we take a closer look, the idea of the same players who actually only want full control over the Earth's resources, one centralized world government, and thus the enslavement of all people, keeps coming back. We could laugh at these goals, at these globalists, at these billionaires. But we are not laughing, because governments are implementing these elements. In Poland, I recommend taking a closer look at Warsaw or the city of Krakow. I invite you to the movie - "Agenda 2030 - 17 goals, or what do Globalists and Financiers plan": [link provided] ... I invite you to watch our other films: [link provided]

Agenda 2030 - 17 goals, or what the Globalists and Financers are planning.Agenda 2030 - 17 goals, or what the Globalists and Financers are planning.

