Australia: the world's first investigation into excess deaths. When in Poland?

What is the cause of the high number of deaths? Is it covid? Lockdowns? Vaccines? Australians are one step closer to the answer. The Australian Senate voted for a parliamentary investigation into the excessive number of deaths in Australia, giving the green light to what is likely to be the world's first such investigation. Senator Ralph Babet from the United Australia Party needed one year and five motions to finally get the green light for the investigation. Last March, Babet submitted two unsuccessful requests to investigate mortality in Australia, and another unsuccessful request came in February of this year. A few weeks later, his fourth motion, in which he asked the Senate to acknowledge the need for an investigation, was narrowly approved. "It appears to be the world's first study of a global problem. Let this committee give a voice to the families of the deceased and provide the answers our nation so desperately needs." The successful proposal, put forward by independent senators Jacqui Lambie and David Pocock, calls on the Commonwealth Reference Committee to examine the factors contributing to excessive mortality in the years 2021-2023 and to make recommendations on how to address these factors. The vote was passed by a margin of 31 to 30, with only the Left Party and the Greens rejecting the proposal. Excessive overall mortality has been a problem for countries worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, but governments have shown little interest or initiative in conducting research or taking action on this issue. Australia recorded record mortality throughout the pandemic, peaking at 11.7% above the expected baseline in 2022. Initially, excess mortality was expected to reach 15%, but the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) revised its mortality rate downward after new models were introduced in 2023. ABS reported that excess mortality continued through the first half of 2023. In Poland, as reported by NIK, excess mortality was over 200,000 people. When will the investigation begin in Poland? source:

What is the cause of the high number of deaths? Is it covid? Lockdowns? Vaccines? Australians are one step closer to the answer. The Australian Senate voted for a parliamentary investigation into the excessive number of deaths in Australia, giving the green light to what is likely to be the world's first such investigation. Senator Ralph Babet from the United Australia Party needed one year and five motions to finally get the green light for the investigation. Last March, Babet submitted two unsuccessful requests to investigate mortality in Australia, and another unsuccessful request came in February of this year. A few weeks later, his fourth motion, in which he asked the Senate to acknowledge the need for an investigation, was narrowly approved. "It appears to be the world's first study of a global problem. Let this committee give a voice to the families of the deceased and provide the answers our nation so desperately needs." The successful proposal, put forward by independent senators Jacqui Lambie and David Pocock, calls on the Commonwealth Reference Committee to examine the factors contributing to excessive mortality in the years 2021-2023 and to make recommendations on how to address these factors. The vote was passed by a margin of 31 to 30, with only the Left Party and the Greens rejecting the proposal. Excessive overall mortality has been a problem for countries worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, but governments have shown little interest or initiative in conducting research or taking action on this issue. Australia recorded record mortality throughout the pandemic, peaking at 11.7% above the expected baseline in 2022. Initially, excess mortality was expected to reach 15%, but the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) revised its mortality rate downward after new models were introduced in 2023. ABS reported that excess mortality continued through the first half of 2023. In Poland, as reported by NIK, excess mortality was over 200,000 people. When will the investigation begin in Poland? source:

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Australia: the world's first investigation into excess deaths. When in Poland?Australia: the world's first investigation into excess deaths. When in Poland?

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