Organization of the training location

Do I have to go out of the house to exercise strength or endurance?? In modern times, most people who care about their figure, wanting to get rid of excess weight or improve their health, have memberships or special passes to fitness clubs. Having such a pass entitles us to exercise, following this line of thinking, if I have a passport from a well-known television channel, only then can I enter its building. And the well-known phrase "everywhere is good, but at home is best" is appropriate here, and in this article I will help each of you, each of you, to understand what we can do to arrange a place for exercises in the comfort of our home, apartment or room. At the very beginning, we must answer the question, are we able to create an optimal exercise space in the comfort of our home?? If YES → that's great !!! Contrary to appearances, you don't need 20 m² to start exercising. With the development of various fitness platforms and social media channels, just log in and start exercising. Such a approach is good, but is it optimal ?? Everyone starts from a different level of activity, and doing 10 standing long jumps after sitting on the couch for a week can lead to unwanted injury or strain to the muscular or skeletal system. Therefore, haste at this moment is not recommended, calmness and slow implementation of your plan will be the ally of our exercise adventure. Any movement is better than none !! Suddenly, any person will not conjure up exercise equipment to create a fitness studio. Therefore, if you have resistance bands, a pull-up bar, or various dumbbells, they can be used as an addition to exercises and it's worth using them. If we are in a group of people who have a chair and water bottles, it is also worth using them. At this point, it is worth considering whether we will perform strength exercises → resistance → or just sentences that will be performed with the resistance of our body, or another external force that will provide resistance. Or maybe endurance exercises, which are often erroneously associated with monotonous running training, will be right for you. I have already written about this exercise system and invite you to read the article at the beginning of this adventure ( in which I discuss the aspects of this form of exercise. And how to use and what benefits arise from it will be explained in the next publication: At this point, we can already focus on strength training, and how it will affect our body and our immunity ?? Strength exercises alone have a wide range of benefits for our body, and some of them include: - an increase in bone mass, - changes in bone structure, - hypertrophy of collagen fibers in tendons, - improvement in blood flow to bones and ligaments, - an increase in the synthesis of collagen fibers, - an increase in the number of sarcomeres, contractile proteins, cell nuclei, mitochondria, - an increase in muscle mass, - an increase in the concentration of glycogen, myoglobin, phospholipids, ATP, phosphocreatine, - an increase in enzyme activity, - an increase in energy utilization efficiency, - an increase in muscle strength per unit of muscle cross-sectional area. There are even more benefits of physical activity, but we will now move on to the specific activity and what exercises to perform to have a beneficial effect on our body !! We must remember the scheme in which we move during exercises: Warm-up → Main Exercises → Calming the Body → Biological Restoration / Personal Hygiene. This approach will give us the certainty that injuries will occur to a lesser extent, and our body will be ready to exercise in our home J Warm-up: is one of the most important elements of any exercise. Properly done, it can undoubtedly be very beneficial in achieving the set goal. Dynamic warm-up should start with a few minutes of running in place or other exercises that gradually prepare the musculoskeletal system for the upcoming physical and mental effort. The type of dynamic warm-up depends on the activity we will perform. As a result, it will protect the body from injury and allow for maximum use of its capabilities. Muscles are warmed up differently before long-distance effort, prior to which, the musculoskeletal system must not be greatly fatigued, and the warm-up should be slow and adapted to the planned training. Warm-up examples: - jumping rope for 5-10 minutes, - jogging in place combined with arm circles in different planes of the body, - if you have a stationary bike, it is worth using it, - in a classical context, circling the arms forward and backward, alternate arm circles forward and backward, arm swings sideways and up and down, - side and forward leg swings, with support from something stable, circling the legs right and left, - torso rotation to the right and left, - nodding the head up and down, head twists to the right and left, then slow head circles to the right and left, - bending and straightening the joints to enhance circulation, This initial approach will ensure that the exercises we will soon move on to will have a measurable effect. Main Exercises: - Push-ups: (Bending arms in a push-up position): Arms straight, resting on the ground, shoulder-width apart, feet together or slightly apart. -- take a deep breath and bend your arms so that your chest reaches the floor, do not arch your lower back excessively. - push up from full arm extension, - breathe in at the end of the movement. Note: People who have difficulty doing push-ups on the floor can perform this exercise with support from the wall and gradually step back to increase the movement load by the distance of the feet from the wall or cabinet. - Hip Raises In A Supine Position: In a supine position, with the inner side of the hands touching the floor, arms along the torso, knees bent: - take a breath and lift your hips off the ground, pressing your feet hard against the floor, - hold this position for 2 seconds and lower the pelvis, but without resting it on the floor, - exhale and repeat the movement. Note: Remember not to push the pelvis too hard upwards when in the upper position, simply lean it forward in the lumbar region. - Lunges: In a standing position, the lower limbs slightly apart, dumbbells or bottles in hands: - take a breath and take a large step forward, keeping the torso as straight as possible: when the forward thigh stops horizontally to the floor or slightly below, energetically straighten it and return to the starting position: exhale. Note: Pay attention during the exercises not to hit the knee on the floor and keep a straight posture. Holding an object or some tool in your hand creates resistance, but it is not required at the very beginning. - Front Plank with Knee to Chest: Arms straight, resting on the ground, shoulder-width apart, feet together or slightly apart. - take a deep breath and tense your arms so that your chest and abdomen are stable, do not arch your lower back too much, - bring your left knee to your chest and return to the starting position with an exhale at the end of the movement, then repeat the movement with your right leg. Note: Inhale before each leg movement and exhale at the end of the movement. If you feel that your torso is dropping down or the tension is decreasing, take a break, rest, and return to the starting position. - Hip Extension in a Quadruped Position: Kneeling on one lower limb, the other bent to the chest, leaning on elbows or forearms, arms straight: -- Extend the bent lower limb backward until the hip is fully extended. The range of motion at the end of extension can be smaller or larger. It is recommended to maintain the muscles in an isometric contraction, i.e., without lengthening or shortening it. Notes: To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can use weights attached to the ankles. Remember to have the abdominal muscles tense and not deepen the lumbar lordosis. Try to perform each exercise in 3 sets of 7-12 repetitions, but remember everyone starts from a different level and it can be e.g. 3x4, 3x6, or even 3x10 repetitions. Try first, and then apply the exercise scheme. Calming the body and Biological Recovery: This part of our scheme aims to calm our body and start regeneration. The first idea is to lie on the floor with our legs straight on the bed or on some ball, to have them above our head. This is to quickly switch our state from fight or flight, which occurs during exercise, to calming down and reaching a quicker state of homeostasis in our nervous system. About 3-4 minutes. The second idea is a quiet 5-10 minute walk. Further steps, you probably already know, such as a shower and a post-workout meal, which is very important in the entire biological recovery process, and more about it here: Summary: As you can see, if we are willing and ready for our small changes, we can start our exercise adventure anywhere. We don't necessarily need an exercise room or a lot of equipment that will look nice, but not always be used. I encourage every person to start physical activity that gives them pleasure and a lot of joy because any movement is better than none !! Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. Atlas treningu siłowego, Frederic Delavier, II edition, PZWL, Warsaw 2018. 4. miejsce treningowe - Search (

Do I have to go out of the house to exercise strength or endurance?? In modern times, most people who care about their figure, wanting to get rid of excess weight or improve their health, have memberships or special passes to fitness clubs. Having such a pass entitles us to exercise, following this line of thinking, if I have a passport from a well-known television channel, only then can I enter its building. And the well-known phrase "everywhere is good, but at home is best" is appropriate here, and in this article I will help each of you, each of you, to understand what we can do to arrange a place for exercises in the comfort of our home, apartment or room. At the very beginning, we must answer the question, are we able to create an optimal exercise space in the comfort of our home?? If YES → that's great !!! Contrary to appearances, you don't need 20 m² to start exercising. With the development of various fitness platforms and social media channels, just log in and start exercising. Such a approach is good, but is it optimal ?? Everyone starts from a different level of activity, and doing 10 standing long jumps after sitting on the couch for a week can lead to unwanted injury or strain to the muscular or skeletal system. Therefore, haste at this moment is not recommended, calmness and slow implementation of your plan will be the ally of our exercise adventure. Any movement is better than none !! Suddenly, any person will not conjure up exercise equipment to create a fitness studio. Therefore, if you have resistance bands, a pull-up bar, or various dumbbells, they can be used as an addition to exercises and it's worth using them. If we are in a group of people who have a chair and water bottles, it is also worth using them. At this point, it is worth considering whether we will perform strength exercises → resistance → or just sentences that will be performed with the resistance of our body, or another external force that will provide resistance. Or maybe endurance exercises, which are often erroneously associated with monotonous running training, will be right for you. I have already written about this exercise system and invite you to read the article at the beginning of this adventure ( in which I discuss the aspects of this form of exercise. And how to use and what benefits arise from it will be explained in the next publication: At this point, we can already focus on strength training, and how it will affect our body and our immunity ?? Strength exercises alone have a wide range of benefits for our body, and some of them include: - an increase in bone mass, - changes in bone structure, - hypertrophy of collagen fibers in tendons, - improvement in blood flow to bones and ligaments, - an increase in the synthesis of collagen fibers, - an increase in the number of sarcomeres, contractile proteins, cell nuclei, mitochondria, - an increase in muscle mass, - an increase in the concentration of glycogen, myoglobin, phospholipids, ATP, phosphocreatine, - an increase in enzyme activity, - an increase in energy utilization efficiency, - an increase in muscle strength per unit of muscle cross-sectional area. There are even more benefits of physical activity, but we will now move on to the specific activity and what exercises to perform to have a beneficial effect on our body !! We must remember the scheme in which we move during exercises: Warm-up → Main Exercises → Calming the Body → Biological Restoration / Personal Hygiene. This approach will give us the certainty that injuries will occur to a lesser extent, and our body will be ready to exercise in our home J Warm-up: is one of the most important elements of any exercise. Properly done, it can undoubtedly be very beneficial in achieving the set goal. Dynamic warm-up should start with a few minutes of running in place or other exercises that gradually prepare the musculoskeletal system for the upcoming physical and mental effort. The type of dynamic warm-up depends on the activity we will perform. As a result, it will protect the body from injury and allow for maximum use of its capabilities. Muscles are warmed up differently before long-distance effort, prior to which, the musculoskeletal system must not be greatly fatigued, and the warm-up should be slow and adapted to the planned training. Warm-up examples: - jumping rope for 5-10 minutes, - jogging in place combined with arm circles in different planes of the body, - if you have a stationary bike, it is worth using it, - in a classical context, circling the arms forward and backward, alternate arm circles forward and backward, arm swings sideways and up and down, - side and forward leg swings, with support from something stable, circling the legs right and left, - torso rotation to the right and left, - nodding the head up and down, head twists to the right and left, then slow head circles to the right and left, - bending and straightening the joints to enhance circulation, This initial approach will ensure that the exercises we will soon move on to will have a measurable effect. Main Exercises: - Push-ups: (Bending arms in a push-up position): Arms straight, resting on the ground, shoulder-width apart, feet together or slightly apart. -- take a deep breath and bend your arms so that your chest reaches the floor, do not arch your lower back excessively. - push up from full arm extension, - breathe in at the end of the movement. Note: People who have difficulty doing push-ups on the floor can perform this exercise with support from the wall and gradually step back to increase the movement load by the distance of the feet from the wall or cabinet. - Hip Raises In A Supine Position: In a supine position, with the inner side of the hands touching the floor, arms along the torso, knees bent: - take a breath and lift your hips off the ground, pressing your feet hard against the floor, - hold this position for 2 seconds and lower the pelvis, but without resting it on the floor, - exhale and repeat the movement. Note: Remember not to push the pelvis too hard upwards when in the upper position, simply lean it forward in the lumbar region. - Lunges: In a standing position, the lower limbs slightly apart, dumbbells or bottles in hands: - take a breath and take a large step forward, keeping the torso as straight as possible: when the forward thigh stops horizontally to the floor or slightly below, energetically straighten it and return to the starting position: exhale. Note: Pay attention during the exercises not to hit the knee on the floor and keep a straight posture. Holding an object or some tool in your hand creates resistance, but it is not required at the very beginning. - Front Plank with Knee to Chest: Arms straight, resting on the ground, shoulder-width apart, feet together or slightly apart. - take a deep breath and tense your arms so that your chest and abdomen are stable, do not arch your lower back too much, - bring your left knee to your chest and return to the starting position with an exhale at the end of the movement, then repeat the movement with your right leg. Note: Inhale before each leg movement and exhale at the end of the movement. If you feel that your torso is dropping down or the tension is decreasing, take a break, rest, and return to the starting position. - Hip Extension in a Quadruped Position: Kneeling on one lower limb, the other bent to the chest, leaning on elbows or forearms, arms straight: -- Extend the bent lower limb backward until the hip is fully extended. The range of motion at the end of extension can be smaller or larger. It is recommended to maintain the muscles in an isometric contraction, i.e., without lengthening or shortening it. Notes: To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can use weights attached to the ankles. Remember to have the abdominal muscles tense and not deepen the lumbar lordosis. Try to perform each exercise in 3 sets of 7-12 repetitions, but remember everyone starts from a different level and it can be e.g. 3x4, 3x6, or even 3x10 repetitions. Try first, and then apply the exercise scheme. Calming the body and Biological Recovery: This part of our scheme aims to calm our body and start regeneration. The first idea is to lie on the floor with our legs straight on the bed or on some ball, to have them above our head. This is to quickly switch our state from fight or flight, which occurs during exercise, to calming down and reaching a quicker state of homeostasis in our nervous system. About 3-4 minutes. The second idea is a quiet 5-10 minute walk. Further steps, you probably already know, such as a shower and a post-workout meal, which is very important in the entire biological recovery process, and more about it here: Summary: As you can see, if we are willing and ready for our small changes, we can start our exercise adventure anywhere. We don't necessarily need an exercise room or a lot of equipment that will look nice, but not always be used. I encourage every person to start physical activity that gives them pleasure and a lot of joy because any movement is better than none !! Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. Atlas treningu siłowego, Frederic Delavier, II edition, PZWL, Warsaw 2018. 4. miejsce treningowe - Search (

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Organization of the training locationOrganization of the training location

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