I protest against the destruction of the Polish state by two parties that hate each other.

I protest against the destruction of the Polish state by two parties that hate each other and people who, by provoking strong emotions in their sympathizers, cause chaos in the country and destroy its structures. They destroy and weaken our country, our homeland - for which a crowd of patriots and heroes have shed blood for over 10 centuries. Such people should be judged for their harmful activities and thrown into the garbage bin of history.

I protest against the destruction of the Polish state by two parties that hate each other and people who, by provoking strong emotions in their sympathizers, cause chaos in the country and destroy its structures. They destroy and weaken our country, our homeland - for which a crowd of patriots and heroes have shed blood for over 10 centuries. Such people should be judged for their harmful activities and thrown into the garbage bin of history.

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I protest against the destruction of the Polish state by two parties that hate each other.I protest against the destruction of the Polish state by two parties that hate each other.

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