Since life is so short, why don't we do so many things that we enjoy?

Maybe it's a lack of money, time, strength...?

Think about which memories will bring you more joy forty years from now:

- working from morning to night, seven days a week; a car worth a million in the garage.

- a trip to the mountains with family once in a while; a car in the garage worth "a little" less than a million (but aren't children's smiles worth much more?)

- or maybe you will start thinking about how to have both a million-dollar car and trips to the mountains at the same time?

Maybe it's a lack of money, time, strength...?

Think about which memories will bring you more joy forty years from now:

- working from morning to night, seven days a week; a car worth a million in the garage.

- a trip to the mountains with family once in a while; a car in the garage worth "a little" less than a million (but aren't children's smiles worth much more?)

- or maybe you will start thinking about how to have both a million-dollar car and trips to the mountains at the same time?

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