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তোমার প্রযোজ্যতা বিষয়ক সম্পর্ক কি?

তোমার মতে এটি আমাদের জীবনে কি প্রভাব ফেলে? তুমি কি উন্নতির উপকার এবং বিপক্ষে কি অবহেলার সাথে?

তোমার মতে এটি আমাদের জীবনে কি প্রভাব ফেলে? তুমি কি উন্নতির উপকার এবং বিপক্ষে কি অবহেলার সাথে?

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7 answers


Thanks to technology, we no longer wait 15 years for a telephone like in the PRL era, we have it in our pocket. Unfortunately, "thanks" to technology, the same phone/smartphone enables surveillance of every user. A simple example of "positive and negative sides".

Thanks to technology, we no longer wait 15 years for a telephone like in the PRL era, we have it in our pocket. Unfortunately, "thanks" to technology, the same phone/smartphone enables surveillance of every user. A simple example of "positive and negative sides".

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When it comes to the phone, this technology definitely makes us stupid but it also helps us a lot, something at the expense of something else.. In the past, we had to use a map on our own, a calculator in our heads, and we had to go to the library to gather knowledge and search for a topic that interests us, put in the effort, today just a phone with internet is enough which makes things easier but a perfect example how future generations regress in intellectual development..

When it comes to the phone, this technology definitely makes us stupid but it also helps us a lot, something at the expense of something else.. In the past, we had to use a map on our own, a calculator in our heads, and we had to go to the library to gather knowledge and search for a topic that interests us, put in the effort, today just a phone with internet is enough which makes things easier but a perfect example how future generations regress in intellectual development..

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Positive :-)

Fortunately, we no longer have to do laundry in the river or bathtub,

and we don't have to heat water by starting a fire in the stove.

I won't write about meeting human needs anymore. but.. :-))


Positive :-)

Fortunately, we no longer have to do laundry in the river or bathtub,

and we don't have to heat water by starting a fire in the stove.

I won't write about meeting human needs anymore. but.. :-))


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As the Arabic proverb says, the nature of rain is always the same, it allows beautiful flowers and weeds to grow on the slopes. I evaluate the tool as very positive, I am writing this response from a smartphone and it is our decision what we will do with its help :)

As the Arabic proverb says, the nature of rain is always the same, it allows beautiful flowers and weeds to grow on the slopes. I evaluate the tool as very positive, I am writing this response from a smartphone and it is our decision what we will do with its help :)

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Technology and above all its development, in my opinion, has a very positive impact on our lives. It streamlines many processes, shortens their time, helps in earning money everyday, developing business, advancing medicine, etc. Technology is something wonderful - with a small exception.... It helps and can change a lot and mean only for smart people 🙂 Otherwise it can even harm 🙂

Technology and above all its development, in my opinion, has a very positive impact on our lives. It streamlines many processes, shortens their time, helps in earning money everyday, developing business, advancing medicine, etc. Technology is something wonderful - with a small exception.... It helps and can change a lot and mean only for smart people 🙂 Otherwise it can even harm 🙂

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Great help this modernity, but it is still necessary to achieve a balance between technology and what is worth knowing how to do oneself
Great help this modernity, but it is still necessary to achieve a balance between technology and what is worth knowing how to do oneself

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Positive although I do not chase after novelties. I am rather cautious but if something makes life easier then why not :)
Positive although I do not chase after novelties. I am rather cautious but if something makes life easier then why not :)

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