•8 месяцев
Переезд в Польшу
Привет! Вся свою взрослую жизнь я живу в Дании, но моя вторая половинка все чаще вспоминает о возвращении в Польшу... У меня все еще много знакомых в стране, в основном во Вроцлаве, и мнения разделились. Хотелось бы услышать мнения разных людей... Есть ли 'что возвращаться'? 😉 Профессионально, вкратце, я занимаюсь ремонтом лодок, хорошо разбираюсь в корпусах, но делаю так называемое полное обслуживание. По образованию я промышленный художник, но много лет в отрасли отвечала главным образом за весь процесс подготовки, покраски и контроль качества, управление роботами и т. д. У меня много сертификатов; на лодки, краны, мобильные краны. В общем, мне нравится, когда что-то происходит 😇. Буду очень благодарна за мнения 👋
Привет! Вся свою взрослую жизнь я живу в Дании, но моя вторая половинка все чаще вспоминает о возвращении в Польшу... У меня все еще много знакомых в стране, в основном во Вроцлаве, и мнения разделились. Хотелось бы услышать мнения разных людей... Есть ли 'что возвращаться'? 😉 Профессионально, вкратце, я занимаюсь ремонтом лодок, хорошо разбираюсь в корпусах, но делаю так называемое полное обслуживание. По образованию я промышленный художник, но много лет в отрасли отвечала главным образом за весь процесс подготовки, покраски и контроль качества, управление роботами и т. д. У меня много сертификатов; на лодки, краны, мобильные краны. В общем, мне нравится, когда что-то происходит 😇. Буду очень благодарна за мнения 👋
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4 answers
Check out job offers first, then prices of apartments in the area. I think the decision will come naturally.
Check out job offers first, then prices of apartments in the area. I think the decision will come naturally.
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I think you should carefully consider and take into account all aspects of such a move, not just financial. Poles differ from Germans, and certainly from Danes. Tolerance, empathy, attitude towards the law and responsibility, not to mention the "ordinary" smile and kindness in everyday life in the store and office... :-)) In addition, many other things you are accustomed to, such as infrastructure.. bicycle lanes in cities, etc. I won't even mention healthcare and various benefits. In addition, various taxes in Poland are expected to increase soon, as funding for armaments and CPK will cost a fortune. But.. :-)
I think you should carefully consider and take into account all aspects of such a move, not just financial. Poles differ from Germans, and certainly from Danes. Tolerance, empathy, attitude towards the law and responsibility, not to mention the "ordinary" smile and kindness in everyday life in the store and office... :-)) In addition, many other things you are accustomed to, such as infrastructure.. bicycle lanes in cities, etc. I won't even mention healthcare and various benefits. In addition, various taxes in Poland are expected to increase soon, as funding for armaments and CPK will cost a fortune. But.. :-)
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From my own experience - after a whole adult life in Copenhagen, it will be difficult to find yourself without a plan for yourself. I lived there for 6 years and returned spontaneously, often thinking that I would do it differently... for sure, I wouldn't have what I have in PL in DK (house, car), but I miss the lifestyle from Cph. When I look at us (with my wife), we definitely need to invest excess cash instead of letting it sit in Nordea bank... To sum up, if you have a plan for yourself and can afford to buy a place without a loan, it's worth taking a shot... And also, children... without them, it's easier to move on if you are not satisfied, because serving them a little rollercoaster back and forth is still harder... Good luck
From my own experience - after a whole adult life in Copenhagen, it will be difficult to find yourself without a plan for yourself. I lived there for 6 years and returned spontaneously, often thinking that I would do it differently... for sure, I wouldn't have what I have in PL in DK (house, car), but I miss the lifestyle from Cph. When I look at us (with my wife), we definitely need to invest excess cash instead of letting it sit in Nordea bank... To sum up, if you have a plan for yourself and can afford to buy a place without a loan, it's worth taking a shot... And also, children... without them, it's easier to move on if you are not satisfied, because serving them a little rollercoaster back and forth is still harder... Good luck
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Is there something you miss thinking about when returning? I can't imagine going abroad permanently, for vacation yes, after about 2 weeks I miss people who think in Polish, I know the language, but I express feelings and thoughts better in my native language, I miss certain products in stores, the feeling that I am at home, etc. However, if you have your life arranged in Denmark, you feel good there, now in my opinion it's not the best time to return, I am very worried about what is happening on our eastern border, I am afraid that if it does not end relatively quickly, it will spill over... you are further away from it.
Is there something you miss thinking about when returning? I can't imagine going abroad permanently, for vacation yes, after about 2 weeks I miss people who think in Polish, I know the language, but I express feelings and thoughts better in my native language, I miss certain products in stores, the feeling that I am at home, etc. However, if you have your life arranged in Denmark, you feel good there, now in my opinion it's not the best time to return, I am very worried about what is happening on our eastern border, I am afraid that if it does not end relatively quickly, it will spill over... you are further away from it.
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