
Ile potrzebujesz wody w ciągu dnia?

毎日の最も重要な要素であり、同時に最も軽視されているもの。 WODZIAは多くの患者に耳から出てきます🤣、そして私は彼女の絶え間ない給油を思い出すのに使い果たしました。

●体重1kgあたり35ml-あなたの体は最低限の水を必要としています。 さらに、運動をしている場合、あなたの需要が増加します!


毎日の最も重要な要素であり、同時に最も軽視されているもの。 WODZIAは多くの患者に耳から出てきます🤣、そして私は彼女の絶え間ない給油を思い出すのに使い果たしました。

●体重1kgあたり35ml-あなたの体は最低限の水を必要としています。 さらに、運動をしている場合、あなたの需要が増加します!


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Ile potrzebujesz wody w ciągu dnia?Ile potrzebujesz wody w ciągu dnia?

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8 answers


For me, about 3.5-4.5L per day with a weight of 92kg. I add a pinch of Himalayan salt to my morning bottle (1.5L) at the gym ;)

For me, about 3.5-4.5L per day with a weight of 92kg. I add a pinch of Himalayan salt to my morning bottle (1.5L) at the gym ;)

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The best way is to control your own power. Fast and simple way to control. Transparent color is a sign of good hydration, but yellow color indicates a deficiency. When it comes to water, it's great that we won't overdose on it, but its deficiency can create a lot of problems.

So drink plenty of water. Avoid sweetened drinks, unless it's homemade fruit compote from Mom or Grandma :)

The best way is to control your own power. Fast and simple way to control. Transparent color is a sign of good hydration, but yellow color indicates a deficiency. When it comes to water, it's great that we won't overdose on it, but its deficiency can create a lot of problems.

So drink plenty of water. Avoid sweetened drinks, unless it's homemade fruit compote from Mom or Grandma :)

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Where did you take that measure ? I am always interested who came up with those figures and why? 

As there is so many myths about it, and rarely people quote nor state the methodology of such claims :(

Where did you take that measure ? I am always interested who came up with those figures and why? 

As there is so many myths about it, and rarely people quote nor state the methodology of such claims :(

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