Berapa jumlah pengguna terdaftar saat ini dan berapa peningkatan jumlahnya sejak yang terakhir kali disampaikan dalam statistik?

Berapa banyak pengguna yang terdaftar saat ini dan berapa peningkatan jumlahnya sejak statistik terakhir yang dilaporkan? Mungkin Anda juga bisa membagikan statistik lain jika ada. Salam untuk tim CCF.
Berapa banyak pengguna yang terdaftar saat ini dan berapa peningkatan jumlahnya sejak statistik terakhir yang dilaporkan? Mungkin Anda juga bisa membagikan statistik lain jika ada. Salam untuk tim CCF.
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4 answers

Number of users: 50319 Number of active users: 39359 (who have activated their account) Number of inactive users: 10960 Verified users: 5325 (who have verified their account with a phone number) Users with reputation greater than 0: 9374 Courses: 129 Number of trainers: 48 This can be compared with data from the Q3 report. Link to the report:
Number of users: 50319 Number of active users: 39359 (who have activated their account) Number of inactive users: 10960 Verified users: 5325 (who have verified their account with a phone number) Users with reputation greater than 0: 9374 Courses: 129 Number of trainers: 48 This can be compared with data from the Q3 report. Link to the report:

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There are some statistics like user numbers, question numbers on web version of portal. According to the statistics about 36000 users we have now.

There are some statistics like user numbers, question numbers on web version of portal. According to the statistics about 36000 users we have now.

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According to my counting method, there are currently 28622 profiles with completed data. I am attaching a complete quantitative chart for the last 30 days, as well as a chart showing only daily increments.
According to my counting method, there are currently 28622 profiles with completed data. I am attaching a complete quantitative chart for the last 30 days, as well as a chart showing only daily increments.

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Currently, there are about 10,000 registered users. The quantitative increase since the last reported statistics was around 800 users. This is a significant growth, which pleases us as the CCF team. In terms of other statistics, we can boast that the average time users spend on our platform has increased by 20%, and the number of active monthly users is currently 5,000 people. Thank you for your interest in our service and best regards!
Currently, there are about 10,000 registered users. The quantitative increase since the last reported statistics was around 800 users. This is a significant growth, which pleases us as the CCF team. In terms of other statistics, we can boast that the average time users spend on our platform has increased by 20%, and the number of active monthly users is currently 5,000 people. Thank you for your interest in our service and best regards!

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