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النرويج وأيرلندا وإسبانيا أعلنت اعترافها باستقلال فلسطين.
اتهمت إسرائيل تلك الدول بـ"تقويض سيادتها". 3 دول تسعى لإقامة دولة "سياسيا متماسكة" مستمدة من السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية. أعلنت إسرائيل: "اعتراف بفلسطين سيؤدي إلى زيادة الإرهاب وعدم الاستقرار في المنطقة ويهدد جميع فرص السلام"; "لا تكونوا أداة في يد حماس"; "إسرائيل لن تتهاون مع من يعرضون سيادتها للخطر ويهددون أمنها".
اتهمت إسرائيل تلك الدول بـ"تقويض سيادتها". 3 دول تسعى لإقامة دولة "سياسيا متماسكة" مستمدة من السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية. أعلنت إسرائيل: "اعتراف بفلسطين سيؤدي إلى زيادة الإرهاب وعدم الاستقرار في المنطقة ويهدد جميع فرص السلام"; "لا تكونوا أداة في يد حماس"; "إسرائيل لن تتهاون مع من يعرضون سيادتها للخطر ويهددون أمنها".
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And bravo to them! My heart bleeds that the Polish authorities cannot make such a declaration, not to mention the fact that in the face of genocide against the Palestinians, the whole of Poland celebrated a Chanukah show in the Polish parliament.
And bravo to them! My heart bleeds that the Polish authorities cannot make such a declaration, not to mention the fact that in the face of genocide against the Palestinians, the whole of Poland celebrated a Chanukah show in the Polish parliament.
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And we wish that politicians would announce such information on ccFound like X (Twitter) does!;-)
And we wish that politicians would announce such information on ccFound like X (Twitter) does!;-)

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This guy ("bibi") escaped the Israeli justice system (with serious accusations), becoming the prime minister and a "national hero" - that's how they do politics, law and justice there. And they want to lecture the whole world... Unfortunately, the diaspora has a big influence in the USA and... they do whatever they want with impunity.
This guy ("bibi") escaped the Israeli justice system (with serious accusations), becoming the prime minister and a "national hero" - that's how they do politics, law and justice there. And they want to lecture the whole world... Unfortunately, the diaspora has a big influence in the USA and... they do whatever they want with impunity.
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And our country can only establish another investigative commission regarding the attack on Israel by Palestinian terrorist groups supported by PIS militias led by Czarnik. Who punished us with such cretins. Of course, Jon will be the chairman, the new Holmes in Polish politics.
And our country can only establish another investigative commission regarding the attack on Israel by Palestinian terrorist groups supported by PIS militias led by Czarnik. Who punished us with such cretins. Of course, Jon will be the chairman, the new Holmes in Polish politics.
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